I have now written a companion guide to my best-selling memoir Sea Changed which explores the concept of God’s transformation, and the fact that the purpose of our lives is to be gradually transformed into the image of his son, Jesus Christ.
I also explore this theme in my television series Living a Transformed Life
on TBNUK the UK's premier Christian channel.
Drawing on scripture, the lives of key biblical character and lessons learnt through my own journey of transformation, I explore how God uses the circumstances of our lives to transform us, how we deal with those changes and the fruits of that transformation – what it looks like to live a transformed life. And finally I explore the ultimate transformation that takes place at the end of our earthly life.
The guide which can be used on its own – or with my TV show on TBNuk – takes you on a journey into the mystery of God’s transformation and poses a series of questions for reflection. And in the TV series you can also hear from some amazing people with their own stories of transformation. It's my hope that you will be encouraged to live a life transformed by God.
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