Blog Post

Living a Transformed Life

Kate Nicholas • July 2, 2018

Rejoicing as my new book hits stores throughout the UK

Following on from last week’s launch event, today sees my new book Sea Changed: A Companion Guide – Living a Transformed Life is available in bookstores throughout the UK.

As the title suggestions, Living a Transformed Life is a companion guide to my best-selling memoir Sea Changed which tells the story of my own unconventional journey of transformation and healing from advanced cancer.

This new book about one of the great mysteries of faith – God’s transformation; the extraordinary promise that as Christians we are to be transformed into the very image of Jesus Christ in this life and beyond.

The idea for this companion guide grew out of a TV interview with the UK’s largest Christian television channel TBN UK about Sea Changed and my own experience of God’s transformation.

Four years ago, when I was diagnosed with advanced inoperable cancer, a friend of mine gave me a butterfly brooch as a symbol of the fact that God would use even this circumstance of my life to transform me, and that when I emerged I would be something different ΜΆ like a butterfly emerging from a cocoon. And when I miraculously survived, I realized that God can use even the greatest challenges of our lives to bring us along on this journey of transformation.

I initially wrote Sea Changed as a legacy for my children, I wanted them to know how God has shaped my life and lovingly guided me even as a faced potentially leaving them. But I realized that I now needed to take the lessons I had learnt, and use them to help others to embrace the concept of their lives as a journey of transformation – and this is what I have sought to do through this book and a new TV series Living a Transformed Life on TBN UK.

Through this book, I want to invite you to explore how God uses all circumstances to gradually transform us and what the fruits of this transformation look like - including God’s ultimate transformation that takes place at the end of this earthly life.

In each chapter I explore a key theme by examining Scripture and the lives of some key biblical characters, and you are invited to reflect on some questions to enable you to go a little deeper into what God tells us about his plan for our transformation.

I also share a little about the key lessons I have learnt from my own journey of transformation as captured in Sea Changed , and you will be invited to reflect on how what we learn from Scripture and life examples can be applied to your own life, helping you along on your journey.

And, finally, you will be invited to come before God and to pray; to open yourself up to God and living a transformed life.

This book is designed to be used on its own as a resource for reflection and prayer, but can also be used to accompany my 12- part TV series on TBN UK in which I also explore the themes from this book and meet people with their own amazing stories of transformation. Living a Transformed Life premieres on July 8th on Freeview 65 and Sky 582 and is available free on demand on

Sea Changed: A Companion Guide – Living a Transformed Life is available in Christian book stores and Waterstones throughout the UK and online at at Amazon worldwide.

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